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Tuesday, August 11, 2009


After coming back from hometown, i tot that i can start master liao but who knows bad things will happen like the contract and taukeh problems...aish, have to become Earth Measuring Officer (EMO). Besides doing literature review, nth else can i do,

wan go out,no money...haiz...
wan kao nui lagi no money+no chance :P
wan go POU, no money...
wan find frenz yc, all bz or balik kampung dy

One word can describe: SIENZ!!!!!

i'm the one who cannot GUAI GUAI (be self-behaved) just stay at home, i'm also not the type of ZHAI NAN(a type of guy who likes to stay at home,seldom go out except necessary)

THUS, i went to do part time at PC fair.
i worked as part timer last week pc fair and this one is my first time to do part time sales(it's kinda hard for me since i have no experience at all+not handsome somemore,haiz.. :P)

First day working, my superior bring a group of promoters included me doing laptop set up,(just locked and switched on the laptop nia)

Then, customers came in, b4 start working, i got training but i forgot the selling points of the notebook tat i wan sale, die lo...HOW??luckily i go ask my colleagues and they got hafal them...
Normally as u all know, customers sure will do surveys 1st b4 they will buy laptops....den i read the fliers and the poster fast fast but one Q came into my mind:"DIE lo, i dunno all the terms in the brochures very well lo...

initially, i saw a customer came,look at fliers like doing research den mai approach lo...:Sir,welcome to Asus booth,recently asus got intro some models like K,F, U, UX, and N series +netbook(small type of notebook) blah blah,asus is very good one,quality guaranteed, 2 years global warranty, heat management got improved,we have 2 types of company produce processor which are AMD and intel...blah blah...technical term..

luckily, he said he knows Asus is good brand then he still thinking,i try to persuade him but i din hit the main point,haiz..orang baru!! den my superior c me NOT DIM, den help me GAO DIM him, finally...he bought it dy...learning things+gain experiences.

but the problem is all the technical stuffs i c till blur blur cuz i just know how to use laptop,how do i know the stuffs like the microprocessor P8600,8700,4570,FSB, HDD,DVD DL at 1st,HDMI, VGA Port, wat L1 cache, y graphite card ram is 512 MB ar...which one is good or bad, do i know wor???

lastly have to ask the help frm my TAI LOU(my superior) to gao dim tell them all the things...i just listen and learn...:P

i got second customers(royal to Asus) who brought his frenz buy doing survey around the PISA, he explained y asus good,acer,toshiba,gateway,lenovo,apple,hp,compaq,IBM etc advantage and disadvantage...luckily he's an expert,learn alot form him but i forgot dy now...hahaha...

and last customer for 1st day is the type who realy wanna buy but cant decide,den mah persuade him buy tiz and y tiz expensive y tat 1 is cheap....blah blah...try to sell it as best as possible+my superior tambah mulut.(success!!)

after finished work...felt tired like hell(stand from morning till nite,almoz 12 hours) and my mouth was dry till my lips gone white in colour, drink 6 bottles of water oso tak cukup...

Arghh....i'm really tired and sleepy now, no wind to write the exact situation of my job here...du worry i'll write my 2nd day and 3rd day of my promoter's life after tiz by adding picture...

Thx for viewing and clicking my add in my blog here...have a nice day!!


  1. yo newcomer!!! don't worry about your advert la... as long as you keep blogging, i'm sure the traffic will keep flowing in...

    about the hardware term, who care about the microprocessor stuff in your laptop... the main selling point in laptop is agility and easy to carry around... IF that person care about performance like microprocessor and graphic card, he should opt for Desktop...

    As for HDD is harddisk while HDMI and VGA port is for Monitor that connect to your graphic card... High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) if not mistaken is a better port... but normally laptop only provide VGA port because Laptop don't have an external graphic card.. if have sure the price is like 4K++... btw doing sales is fun right?? sure got lotsa pretty girl promoter working around you...

    IF free you can open your laptop and see what is inside...

  2. O.O...thx for visiting my blog,buddy.yea...but asus cost around rm3799++ like tat but reach till rm4k. i c i c...sales is fun but challenging as well cuz need to think of the way to persuade customer to buy, quite tough for me :P. anyway learn a lot there.pretty gal mah,ok ok lo...for my booth's quality,errrr....but for other booth,got liang nui leh but timre to kau..
